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NEW POSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Rebecca Manley has made a poster for June 1st's Beat Unhappening at which Cryptacize'll play. This is it. Check out her blog HERE
They also have a new record entitled 'Mythomania' on Asthmatic Kitty and a monster of a tour skedge which includes shows with  Ariel Pink's HAUNTED GRAFFITTI, Jamie 'Xiu Xiu' Stewart, Mirah, Casiotone etc & No Kids. We are excited to have them here. 

Lucy Jones has made some beautiful posters for June 8th's BEAT UNHAPPENING with Diane Cluck, Mary Hampton and Serfs using the collagraph method. WOW! This is a photograph of one of them.

This is the poster Now Wave made for their Deerhoof show which, thanks to their hard work and kind understanding now houses our Finally Punk beat unhappening. YEAH! They are hosting a sweet show tomorrow night with Black Lips and comfortable on a tightrope alumni MIKA MIKO. YEAH!

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