with the recent passing of JD Salinger:
firstly you can read all of his stories (even those which are uncollected) HERE (thanks to Jess Higgins for the tip-off) and tributes and ruminations on the great man and his legacy from AM HOMES and DAVE EGGERS.
secondly you can get excited about this poster and the amazing show that it was made to publicise. Thanks to Lucy Jones for this ray of light:
Thirdly there is this video, which gives rise to smiles for about a million reasons:
Fourthly is the news that MUSEUMS number one is almost ready and is looking absolutely beautiful. Basically it consists of a giant (11 1/2" x 11 1/2 ") art book, 3 screen-printed posters, an exclusive new 30+ page comic by David Bailey and a compilation tape that we made with some of our favourite bands in the whole world---- NISENNENMONDAI, LA LA VASQUEZ, PIECE WAR, GIRLS NAMES, SAD HORSE, TY SEGALL, VERONICA FALLS, YELLOW FEVER, FORMER BULLIES, IRMA VEP, SIC ALPS, ROLLIN HUNT, ASSASSINS 88, BEACHNIKS, GOLDEN GRRLS, READING RAINBOW, TIGHTSUCKS, WAITERS, PICASTRO and SILK FLOWERS. It is a serious and fun document detailing the music we care about. It will be C.O.A.T -005. We've been working on it for so long and we cannot wait to share it with the world. We are honoured and privileged to be able to make this and for it to accompany such a sweet and radical publication. Pre-sale and Launch Party/Exhibition details forthcoming.
C.O.A.T-006 will be the new NEIL BURRELL album 'YOU HAVE REACHED...OUTER SPACE' which offers a heavier and more twisted psychedelia than anything else around. Much more forthcoming, wish we could disclose it all now but that's enough for one day.
To play us out Tom Settle at Manchester Zap at islington mill- Thanks to Barry Dean for capturing this rare and special performance of a deep and heavy improvisation that would perfectly serve as a requiem for JD:
Great post as for me. It would be great to read something more about this theme. The only thing I would like to see here is some pics of any gadgets.
John Flouee
Cell phone jammers
The thing I like about the earth
is the range of colors. Fantastic to mundane. Brilliant to dull.
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